And that FACT that so many of the rudy supporters felt threatened by, and in fact came and argued against, his post, was an eye-opener for me.
I believe Rudy’s dropping poll numbers may well have incited a mass hysteria.
I have been called a religious extremist, bigot, anti abortion fanatic, and whole host of other names just because I do not and will not support a man who holds none of the views I do. The last time I got hit with those ad homonyms, was on a more liberal site.
This whole thing is weird to me, and I honestly think that the GOP’s days are numbered. They are trying to move so far to the left, the base voters won’t follow. Of course, many here will now say “We have to! We have lost Ohio, New Mexico, and most of the eastern states! We need to converge and drop the social conservatives by moving to the left!”
I guess if that is the plan, then so be it. Here I stand, I can stand no where else. If the new GOP is in the shape of Rudy, then I guess I will not be in it.
I have no fear of debate. It is my genes, and annealed by disputative and argumentative parents, who then spent a lot of money to hone that skill some more in me. But debate in a star chamber is no debate at all - it is degrading. Debate will be done elsewhere, not here, that is clear.