First off I observe Rudy running ahaead of the others in opinion polls of REPUBLICANS right now. Unless someone else beats him among republicans he will get nominated. Personally, I would prefer to see Thompson win but he might not.
IF Rudy is nominated, allowing a Hilary or Obama to win, possibly with a dem Congress, is national suicide. You will get pure pro abortion, etc policies PLUS no sensible war on terror.
So if Rudy gets nominated I will vote for him. For the war, also because he promises to nominate conservative judges. And a reason seldom mentioned: He is strong against crime. Turning the US Attorneys over to Hilary would be a disaster. I'm not pushing Rudy, just explaining why I would vote for him IF it is Hilary vs. Rudy. But I admit that for conservatives it is very strange to see Rudy running strong in republican polls.