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To: Skywarner
>>>>>It's also been a loss to the Free Republic community at large. I mourn their loss, especially those conservatives that left in protest.

Like so many others, you're under some illusion. If someone wants to promote liberalism and oppose conservatism, then FR is not for them. If you read back through this thread, you'll see exactly what FR is all about.

>>>>>Perhaps I'm a kamikazi, too.....

Keep pushing the envelope, anything is possible.

13,453 posted on 04/28/2007 2:49:07 PM PDT by Reagan Man (FUHGETTABOUTIT Rudy....... Conservatives don't vote for liberals!)
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To: Reagan Man
"Like so many others, you're under some illusion. If someone wants to promote liberalism and oppose conservatism, then FR is not for them. If you read back through this thread, you'll see exactly what FR is all about."

Once again, I'm also including fellow CONSERVATIVES who have been driven away from FR defending those who "promote liberalism and oppose conservatism." I guess that means that they weren't "true" conservatives, after all then, right?

"Keep pushing the envelope, anything is possible."

I will, at least until I'm banned, too.
13,471 posted on 04/28/2007 2:55:57 PM PDT by Skywarner (The U.S. Armed Forces... Producers of FREEDOM for over 200 years!!)
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To: Reagan Man

“>>>>>It’s also been a loss to the Free Republic community at large. I mourn their loss, especially those conservatives that left in protest.<<<<<<

Like so many others, you’re under some illusion. If someone wants to promote liberalism and oppose conservatism, then FR is not for them....”

If Rudy is the chosen candidate of the Republican party against Hillary Clinton, it is NOT “promoting liberalism and opposing conservatism” to support him.

In fact, it would promote liberalism (and oppose conservatism) by staying home and letting Hillary win. It’s THAT simple.

Now, at the risk of repeating myself...

A) I do not agree with Rudy’s social positions (abortion, gay marriage, gun control).
B) I wish there was a conservative in the race whom I could see as electable. At present, there isn’t.

On the other hand, I respect what he’s been able to accomplish, I respect his courage to say what he thinks and stand up to people, and I respect his track record in getting things done. For others of you, I guess, the fact that he showed up at a charity event in drag is evidently all you need to cross him off your list, and let Her Highness take the throne.

13,517 posted on 04/28/2007 3:12:10 PM PDT by Pravious
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