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To: Jim Robinson
> Do you really expect me to do that?

The simple answer is NO. But your network here has fostered a go along to get along mentality. We voted for Bush because it meant the (r) would win. What ever the (r) wants it gets. Did we know Bush would be so weak, no. Do we know that Romney will be as good as Reagan? No. We will make our decisions as time goes by. Everyone needs to relax on the candidates for now, we have plenty of time to decide. 18 months out is a long time. Relax, time will tell.

As far as your issues. Abortionism: on the right track, ulimately a states issue. Feminism: Not sure what you mean, but remember the suffrage act? Homosexualism: All men are created equal? Global Warming: pseudo science. Illegal alien lawbreakers: The fewer the merrier, a true federal issue that can be solved with a powerful president. Gun control: Headed in the right direction, actually a states issue.

I point out these issues to you because we don't agree 100% lock step. And that is why we are a great nation. And a great party. If you look at the democrat party candidates they are 100% pro abortion. No exceptions, tolorated. You must be pro abortion to be elected in thier party. You can be christian but not pro life. How they sleep at night is another question.

On the other hand, I know that I can debate Jim Robinson of the right wing conservative web site and not be banned/shunned/when we disagree. Ask Sen. Leiberman how democrats deal will malecontents.

12,863 posted on 04/28/2007 12:00:26 AM PDT by snodog
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To: snodog
I agree with a lot of what you say but:

Gun control: Headed in the right direction, actually a states issue.

Sorry to shout, but THAT'S WHY WE HAVE THE 2ND AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION; the states have NO rights. In truth, neither does the Fed, without Constitutional amendment.

..the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
12,867 posted on 04/28/2007 12:25:18 AM PDT by dukakis kerry the dream team
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To: snodog

We voted for Bush in 2004 primarily for the judges and the war. And the fact that even though he’s a compassionate conservative, he is pro-life, pro-family, pro-God (freedom of religion), pro-gun, pro-limited taxes.

Look up NOW (National Organization of Women) for a look at radical feminism and what they stand for. Totally opposite to conservatism. All men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, including the right to Life and Liberty. Abortion, gay marriage, the gay agenda, gun control, etc, are completely incompatible with the concept of the “Creator” (God), equality, and “unalienable rights,” ie, you can’t take them away. All men are to be treated equally under the law. Gays already have the same rights as everyone else. No special interest group is to receive special treatment under the law. Also, the gay agenda includes “thought crimes.” If a preacher speaks out against homosexualism as a sin he can be brought up on charges. That’s nonsense. It’s also a violation of our first amendment rights to free speech, free religion. Again, “unalienable” rights. They’ll be targeting the Holy Bible and all of our religious rights next. Also, they want to teach our young children about homosexualism, fisting, etc, etc. That’s incompatible with our traditional family values. Giuliani is an abortionist gay rights activist. No way is he or will he ever be acceptable to pro-life pro-family conservatives. If does become acceptable, the the aforementioned conservatives are betraying their own principles for political expediency (not a conservative action). Giuliani is a gun grabber and illegal alien supporter. Again, totally unacceptable to conservatives. He’s disqualified from any consideration whatsoever by conservatives.

You’re not going to be “debating” with me long on FR if you’re pushing to deny me of ANY of my rights. They’re not up for debate, negotiation, or compromise.

12,875 posted on 04/28/2007 12:46:22 AM PDT by Jim Robinson
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To: snodog
Abortionism: on the right track, ulimately a states issue.

Baloney. No state has the right to alienate any God-given, unalienable right, most especially the foremost right: the right to live.

12,883 posted on 04/28/2007 12:54:30 AM PDT by EternalVigilance (<------(My choice for President in 2008 - Click on my screen name)
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To: snodog
Gun control: Headed in the right direction, actually a states issue.

Again, not a states issue. Second Amendment rights are inalienable, and apply everywhere within the territory of the United States.

12,885 posted on 04/28/2007 12:56:07 AM PDT by EternalVigilance (<------(My choice for President in 2008 - Click on my screen name)
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To: snodog
Homosexualism: All men are created equal?

That's pretty funny. After 200 years of constitutional review we are now to believe that sexual deviancy and un-natural sex acts should be given "equal protection" and "rights"? What about those who practice bestiality? Are they "equal" too?

Let's be clear: Homosexuals and lesbians deserve no "equality" on issues such as marriage, job protection, health care, housing, adoption policies, discriminatory practices, or other "rights." If they stay in the closet and shut up about their sinful practices it would be preferable, but instead we and our families are constantly exposed to "in your face" activism that demands we accept their un-natural behaviors and acts.

12,968 posted on 04/28/2007 7:38:48 AM PDT by vox_freedom (John 16:2 yea, the hour come, that whosoever killeth you, will think that he doth a service to God)
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