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Will FR embrace socialism to make way for Rudy Giuliani as a Republican presidential candidate?
| April 21, 2007
| Jim Robinson
Posted on 04/21/2007 6:42:25 PM PDT by Jim Robinson
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To: flashbunny; KATIE-O
“disgusting, impotent Lemming Twit!!”
I like that one meself! ;)
posted on
04/22/2007 7:40:38 PM PDT
("Where am I? Where am I going? Why am I in a handbasket?")
To: EternalVigilance
All Ive seen so far is him admitting straight out that hes lost the political and ideological debate.
Then common sense and reason tells me that he would naturally have to reverse his position. He's too smart to enter the race and do otherwise.
posted on
04/22/2007 7:40:42 PM PDT
(Gun control is hitting what you aim at!)
To: Jim Robinson
My, my, my. When you throw a party, you THROW A PARTY!
Guess I’d better increase my monthly to make up for our lost friends. ;^)
posted on
04/22/2007 7:40:58 PM PDT
To: don-o
Yeah, I know, getting late, and I am allowing myself to get caught up in the emotions. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
posted on
04/22/2007 7:41:12 PM PDT
(By all that you hold dear..Doing real on this good earth... I bid you stand! Men of the West!)
To: Mom MD
but once a woman has felt another life moving inside her and has gone through the birth process, I can only say it is the blackest of evil to be pro choice.Truth Bump
To: rockrr
I’ve seen a lot happen. Maybe you should take a funnyman seriously when he says you should?
posted on
04/22/2007 7:41:41 PM PDT
(Politics is the art of the possible)
To: Spiff
Spiff, I read what you wrote and I even watched the video. Never let it be said that I didn’t listen to my fellow FReepers. FReepers are on the ball.
But for crying out loud, in the first part as it relates to global warning, he is again doing what a good politician would do. Pay lip service to appease the whacko environmentalists and then do nothing other than promote free market solutions like Nuclear Power Plants, and ethanol subsidies to make up for the fact that it’s still 5x more expensive to produce ethanol than petroleum...but heck I’ll make an exception to my belief in free markets in this case if it means American midwestern farmers can become energy barons while the Saudi’s end up poor.
As far as this nanny state Rudy smoking ban, trans fat ban stuff is concerned, we have already had this conversation after pissant posted his hit piece trying to convince people that Rudy is a nanny stater.
Again, don’t get me wrong. If you want to vote against Rudy because he is a pro abortion, gun grabbing public serpent and make your case on this forum to persuade others to follow you, than God bless you. That’s what this forum and the free exchange of ideas is all about.
However, if you try to spread false information and try to convince people that Rudy is in favor of draconian health initiatives to coerce people to do the right thing and save the state money on Medicaid and Medicare expenses, you are wrong.
I hope you and everyone else will take my word for it. I don’t feel like posting the orgy of information to prove that Rudy is not a nanny stater again.
But if somebody calls Shenanigans, I will have to.
posted on
04/22/2007 7:41:56 PM PDT
Eric Blair 2084
(Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms shouldn't be a federal should be a convenience store.)
To: rockrr
Amazingly, my eyes are okay.
posted on
04/22/2007 7:42:05 PM PDT
La Enchiladita
(Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world. Have mercy on us, and grant us Your peace.)
To: Rex Anderson
posted on
04/22/2007 7:42:08 PM PDT
(By all that you hold dear..Doing real on this good earth... I bid you stand! Men of the West!)
To: trussell
Yes, and Im preparing to run and hide, lest I be accused of stalking and get banned.When the bats come out of their caves, I'll go pop in a dvd and watch it in bed. With popcorn. We always seem to drop a few kernels though. :-)
posted on
04/22/2007 7:43:01 PM PDT
processing please hold
(Duncan Hunter '08) (ROP and Open Borders-a terrorist marriage and hell's coming with them)
To: Registered
Bizarro World.
NautiNurse is one of the good guys.
To: Eric Blair 2084
posted on
04/22/2007 7:43:45 PM PDT
(<--- Free Anti-Rino graphics! See Rudy the Rino get exposed as a liberal with his own words!)
To: IrishRainy
McCain scares the heck out of me, too. My response was solely with respect to experience relevant to fighting the WOT. It's too early for me to make choices beyond those who I believe are totally
unacceptable. I still want to hear from all the candidates and learn about their platforms and their record.
I see no reason to believe that Rudy is equipped to handle the job relative to the WOT. He scares me more than McCain in that regard.
posted on
04/22/2007 7:44:11 PM PDT
("Liberalism is just Communism sold by the drink." P. J. O'Rourke)
To: mware
posted on
04/22/2007 7:44:15 PM PDT
(Proudly posting without reading the thread since 1998.)
To: Registered
>>>>>Reagan Man is an obvious Leftist troll.LOL Registered and 68grunt team up ----- the liberal Nancy Boys of Free Republic.
posted on
04/22/2007 7:44:16 PM PDT
Reagan Man
(FUHGETTABOUTIT Rudy....... Conservatives don't vote for liberals!)
To: Dstorm
So just to catch up, What are the names of the RudyBots who have been shown the airlock?
Well, there is Peach, FairOpinion, Katie-O, habs4ever (not sure if that puke was a RudyBot or just a sleeper troll), Quidnuc, CeltJewLibertarian, there may be others but those are the ones who come to mind first.
And I predict more to follow.
posted on
04/22/2007 7:44:32 PM PDT
(Jan 20, 2009 - "We Don't Know. Where Rudy Went. Just Glad He's Not. The President. Burma Shave.")
To: processing please hold
Yikes...aren’t you worried the bats might come around for the crumbs?
To: mkjessup
there’s also MiaT and luis gonzalez, plus a couple others.
posted on
04/22/2007 7:46:22 PM PDT
(<--- Free Anti-Rino graphics! See Rudy the Rino get exposed as a liberal with his own words!)
To: processing please hold
He is fun to have around, isn’t he!
posted on
04/22/2007 7:46:55 PM PDT
To: RadioAstronomer
Would you please pass a message on to King prout for me? Let him know he will be missed. I would appreciate it!
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