The pro-death except for capital punishment folks profess to be scandalized by a 34-minute execution (but not by Terri Schiavo's 13-day execution). So why is it acceptable to kill innocents in an average of 80 minutes?
I think we have a role reversal here. Innocent children are being treated like murderous criminals, and murderous criminals like innocent children. Therefore, we propose:
1) All children born alive should be presumed to be children and should have full rights to appeal their death sentence.
2) All criminals convicted of capital crimes should be presumed to be late-term abortions and made to die of neglect to protect their mother's health. Progressive thinking holds that every form of execution is unacceptable. Therefore, we must switch to the Terri Schiavo solution -- withdraw their food and hydration. That's not "killing" them at all according to progressive thinking. It's an "end of life decision" that "terminates" a "fetus" that is "not viable" by removing "extraordinary means" of "life support." Furthermore, it's a euphoric experience for them.
Voila! Two huge social problems solved.
I can just imagine what the ‘health professionals’ [I refuse to use the word ‘nurse’ in this context] think when they see the ‘expelled fetus’ take a breath: Oh, damn, now we will have to wait until this “product of abortion” stops breathing!
Many years ago the NICU where I worked received a patient who had refused to die for hours after her ‘delivery’- she survived to be discharged months later, but was severely handicapped. The abortion doctor had mistaken her gestation and she was aborted at 24/5 weeks.
That type of admission did not occur again, so I bet the “protocol” was changed, and babies born alive were just not recognized.