Due to state and federal laws,, it is not an easy thing to take away someone rights like this, and it shouldn’t be. . But,, having said that,, it is also a word game. When a person is brought in to an ER for an evaluation,, if they say the right words the chances are good they will be released. They will always be asked “Are you suicidal?” If they say no,, and repeat no to all the questions like “Have any plans to hurt yourself or others??” chances are good they will be released,, unless someone else is willing to testify in court to actions otherwise. There has been a big push to empty the mental hospitals. There is also a big push to increase the rights and choices of people with mental illnesses. You may not realize the nutcase that may be living next door to you. I am very serious about this. There are people walking the streets that have been released due to liberals that are real walking time bombs. They know how to say the right words and fake it enough to stay on the streets. But they are a real danger.
Can't this be traced back to Jimmah "the nut" Carter?