The latest on at least one of the killers (Fox alluded that there may have been two killers, one in the dorm and one in the class room) indicates that the classroom killer was a Chinese who came to America via San Francisco last year on a student visa.
This attack and slaughter was very well planned and carried off like al Qaeda and the Chechnins do acts of violence.
I doubt if many of our spec ops guys could kill 30 plus young college students armed with only two semi auto 9’s in a few minutes.
He apparently had chains to fasten the doors after he got inside so the cops couldn’t get in and maybe to keep people from getting outside.
There were false alarms re bomb via phone calls in recent days. That would be an apparent test of the response system.
Just too damn much pre planning and precise execution of detail and of innocents for a lover.
It smacks of al Qaeda or Checnia Islamofascists.
From the eyewitness testimony we are hearing, the death toll could have also been much higher had not some of the students barricaded their classroom doors preventing the assassin from entering their rooms. Some students also jumped out of windows. This could have been much more horrific.