So many have been so serendipitous for the Clintons - more Reverse Karma, I suppose (whatever that is). - She is sort of like “Dookeyfinger”. Everything she touches turns to . . well, if I have to explain it, which I do with most of my jokes. She touched Bill first of all, but, well then, that’s sort of like the chicken or the egg which came first?
It would just be so dern depressing if I didn’t trust in God to have the final word. In the meantime, might as well laugh to keep from crying. Here’s hoping that an indestructible Conservative hero comes riding in on a white stallion and touches HER with his ultra “Reaganfinger” and renders her invisible. Help us, God!
If this Wicked Witch is somehow elected president we are all in dire straits!
She is the most evil one since Ilse Koch.
Ilse was the SS beast who made lampshades out of the dead concentration camp victims at Buchenwald or Dachau.