I’m still waiting for someone to explain what “nappy” means. I’d never heard of it before this.
It's what some of these people seriously need one of.
“That was really what offended them,” Williams said. “Why is it that nappy-headed offends us so much, when being nappy-headed or having a tight curl pattern is natural to us?” he said. “Why do we still perceive nappy as being something negative?”
I’m as mystified as you are. What is wrong black women’s normal, unstraightened or unbraided hair? I had no idea it was considered any kind of negative or lesser style.
Nap is a common textile term that refers to the fuzzy surface texture of fabrics like corduroy, flannel, suedecloth, polar fleece, carpeting.... Anyone with even a cursory knowledge of fabrics is aware of the term.
Hey...it’s scottish.
Main Entry: 1nap·py
Pronunciation: ‘na-pE
Function: noun
Etymology: obsolete nappy, adjective, foaming
chiefly Scottish : LIQUOR; specifically : ALE
“Nappy” is a description of the characteristics of a black person’s hair — it’s the opposite of straight hair. You know — it’s kinky and springy. Black women that I know agonize about their hair all the time — and would love to have hair that’s anything but “nappy.” But again, that word, just like the “n” word is forbodden for anyone but Blacks. Have you ever watched the BET channel and watched the comedians? They not only totally bash white people, but they make jokes about themselves. Do not try this if you’re white.
I guess it just means lots of little curls. I didn’t realize that this was considered undesirable. Frizz, now that’s undesirable, speaking for myself with my curly hair!