Well, I am at a loss to supply anything you'd consider factual in that case... I am a student of Civil War history (having ancestors who fought on both sides). I believe that if you'll google Stand Waite you'd find that he was a Native American (Cherokee) and the last general officer in the former CSA to surrender. You may also discover that never denied the fact that many of the troops (braves) under him would revert to collecting "war trophies" (human scalps) after a battle.
A proud Southern son of a Confederate doctor in the 3d S.C. Cav., I am also much an admirer of Abraham Lincoln and damned glad we lost the War Between the States--otherwise, we'd all be speaking German and bowing to the memory of Der Furher because there would have been no way a divided American nation could have survived WWII.
but would we have entered WWI? Because without entering I do not believe WWII would of taken place. Maybe some other European war but not as it was.
absent INDEPENDENT proof, i discount them as "hearsay".
free dixie,sw
Here’s the deal with Watie: No matter what evidence you present—official reports, census transcripts, first-hand accounts—they’re no good. They’re propaganda, lies, or liberal conspiracy. Meanwhile, all he has to do is tell you that someone (like this “Miss Gray”) told him something, and you’re expected to accept this as absolute, inarguable truth. Scores of reports of United State soldiers scalped at Pea Ridge? All lies. Census says that Stand Watie owned over a dozen slaves? Couldn’t be, because someone told him otherwise.
absent INDEPENDENT proof, i discount them as "hearsay".
free dixie,sw