Please explain to us how Duncan Hunter helped to increase our military preparedness by using the "power of the pig" to steer a multi-million dollar defense contract to a campaign contributer for the digitalization of miltary records from the Panama invasion, particularly when the Department of Defense did not request, did not need, and did not want the expenditure. Seems to me that he undermined our military prepardness by wasting millions of dollars that should have been used to directly support our troops and their mission. Going back to the point I raised yesterday, this is one the major problems with career politicians. After spending decades inside the beltway where they can make and play by a different set of rules, they become so out of touch with reality that they are unable to differentiate between absolute "needs" and discretionary "wants."
Digitally preserving records is a great idea. I have two words why. SANDY BERGER. Saying that Duncan Hunter “undermined our military prepardness” exposes you as being nothing more than a hater because you undoubtedly support someone else.
That is as rediculous a statement as one can make IF someone actually read a bit about this man before making such such claims about them based on ONE example.
I get it, you read one opinion piece and so Duncan Hunter is the Devil to ya. I can’t wait to see who you actually support for President.
I’ll put Hunter’s expertise about what is needed in our military up against ANY Pentagon expert. We have civilian control for a reason, and we are very fortunate ot have a few guys in Congress that actually know what the hell they are doing.