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To: Charlie007

Ramos and Compean fired in the line of duty.

625 posted on 04/10/2007 5:39:18 PM PDT by Paperdoll ( on the cutting edge.)
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To: Paperdoll
Ramos and Compean fired in the line of duty.

So was Mussolini. Your post is dishonest in its implications.

I have REAL problems with the sentences handed down to these guys. I don't think they should have gotten any prison time at all. Neither did the judge, btw. These were mandatory sentencing guidelines. However, this was a bad shoot and these guys lied about it and tried to cover it up. They deserved to be fired.

What is worse is that you know this, and then try to paint it like they were noble brave civil servants merely doing their duty, and were railroaded because they shot a violent drug dealer who threatened them. This is either dishonest or stupid.

Finally, I believe these guys should be pardoned from jail time, but the firing should remain on their records. They lied about what happened. If they had been honest about it they might have received a reprimand and/or suspension. They wrote their own sentences.

631 posted on 04/11/2007 4:33:28 AM PDT by DreamsofPolycarp (Ron Paul in '08)
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