To: kabar; altura; ohioWfan
I came up with this a couple of years ago:
rottndog's 10 Simple solutions to the crisis of illegal immigration:
1. Immediately allocate funding for as many border patrol agents as necessary to effectively secure the borders. This would include the use of military forces, as defending the country against invasion is supposed to be the primary function of the Federal Government.
2. Immediately allocate funding for a modern and effective border fence.
3. Cut off all federal funds to any state, county, and/or city that has an expressed (or even unexpressed) sanctuary policy, including police noncooperation policies such as LAPD's special order number 40.
4. Immediately sue in federal court all aforementioned entities to overturn these patently unconstitutional policies (enforce the supremacy clause).
5. Cut off all federal funds to any state, county, and/or city that refuses to verify eligibility requirements for the dispensing of federally funded or subsidized public services.
6. Start prosecuting repeat illegal border crossers and put them in prison. It is a felony to recross the border after deportation. Give them a warning after the first offense, but after that, off to jail. Maybe have longer sentences for multiple offenses (I like Three Strikes).
7. End the "anchor baby" citizenship loophole. This can be done simply by federal statute.
8. Establish and implement a system of instant electronic checking of residency status for the purpose of employment. They have instant checking for firearms purchasing, why not for employment eligibility verification?
9. Fund random inspections of businesses by ICE officials to verify employment eligibility (legal residency). Include in this a task force to immediately respond to the use of bogus employee social security numbers.
10. Arrest and prosecute employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens. After instant checks are established, there will be no excuses.
Some of these things could be done under current law--in other words, much of the problem would go away if our current laws already on the books were ENFORCED!
Notice the main theme is law ENFORCEMENT. The reason I am so critical of Bush is because law ENFORCEMENT is his job at the federal level, and when it comes to U.S. Border Sovereignty and Immigration Laws, Bush is not ENFORCING existing laws. Why should I believe he is serious about ENFORCING new laws, when he won't ENFORCE existing laws already on the books?
176 posted on
04/09/2007 10:45:00 AM PDT by
(Mexico can go to Hell (Well actually it's already hell--Ask the millions who have fled from there))
To: rottndog
You nailed it. We don’t need new laws. We just have to enforce the ones we have.
183 posted on
04/09/2007 10:46:39 AM PDT by
To: rottndog
Excellent list, RD. I agree with every point.
197 posted on
04/09/2007 10:52:23 AM PDT by
(If you call yourself a conservative, then act conservative and support Duncan Hunter for POTUS.)
To: rottndog
Excellent. I remember having read it before. Bush will have no part of the above.
214 posted on
04/09/2007 11:01:54 AM PDT by
( Hunter/Thompson/Thompson/Hunter in 08! Or Rudy/Hillary if you want to murder conservatism)
To: rottndog
I like your solutions. However, I think the absolute first thing that must be done is no more welfare, schooling, tuition, medical care, etc. As one Repub Rep said before the last elections, no one breaks into the amusement park when the rides are turned off.
I agree with your number 7 but I think - from prior experience concening other legislation, particullary abortion - is that a Fed court would strike the legislation down as unConstitutional.
You are correct about law enforcement. It should start at the top with the President. If ICE will not do its job, fire the head of ICE.
225 posted on
04/09/2007 11:10:15 AM PDT by
(I've got a seat at the big conference table! I'm gonna paint my logo on it!) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson