Posted on 04/09/2007 8:35:35 AM PDT by kellynla
I support Bush in any program he has to secure the border first. I disagree with Bush on a guest worker program without securing the border first. I can't make it much clearer than that.
But you don't hear a word about that. Instead, you get some cerbrally vacant howls about how the MEXICAN border is this great threat to security. Yeah. Folks, the people who want to KILL us are to the -uh- NORTH. All Pablo and Paco want todo is get some work and maybe send some money home to Consuela, and save enough money to get drunk and drive. The most people they are going to kill are a car when they get commode hugging drunk and drive. Bad stuff? Yeah, but not even in the same LEAGUE with Haji, who wants to kill all of us infidels. Yet all you hear is some stupid cant about "more Americans killed by illegals than died in Iraq" and "100 billion dollars a year on immigrants." These mindless drones post the same idiotic links to the same idiotic drivel as though God himself did a Sinai redux and they must share this bilge with the world, lest it suffer the deprivation of such great and previously undiscovered truths. I swear, it is not far removed from the spoof to ban dihidrogen monoxide because it is involved with thousands of deaths a year. Cretins sagely reciting numbers that have little, if any statistical significance with the solemn assurance that they are sure harbingers of doom
hint: Just TEN MILLION aliens working on bogus SS numbers...., JUST ON THE FICA NUMBERS, assuming they work for 10 dollars per hour, bring into the federal treasury a total of over 32 billion dollars into the US treasury..., and NONE of that goes back out, as they are [ahem] ILLEGAL and thus ineligible for SS. The nincompoops who put out these number COMPLETELY IGNORE this, and the taxes witheld, as they also ignore the articles by William Simon which show that second generation immigrants contribute almost THREE TIMES the "outlay" necessary to get them settled as first generation residents.
So, we can talk about the border problem, and if neurologically stunted dweebs want to post that the answer is deporting 20 million people, I will be happy to show you how mindless and imbecilic that is until the froth collects on their chinny chin chin.
No matter what happens in the ideological echo chamber of the FR immigrant hatearoo, you people are going to have to adjust to the idea that America is going to have a brownish tinge to it in the future. All your caterwauling, screeching and histrionics ain't gonna help.
What WOULD help would be if you saw them as less of a threat and more of a resource to be won. Latinos are incredibly loyal and never forget friendship. When they become conservatives, they are solid, ideological, freedom loving and loyal (like the Cubans in Miami).
The real problem is NOT the security issue, nor the issue of lawbreaking. If it were, some of the crowd here would be able to understand that there are answers other than building a wall and deporting. The real problem (for some, not all) is that you just don't want em here.
Get over it.
Illegal border hoppers from south of the border that have been apprehended have included many of Middle Eastern origin.
Your argument is invalid.
“Bush deserves much criticism here, and to deny at this point that Bush wants the free and unrestricted flow of cheap labor across our Southern Borders to me is not only naive, but borders on cognitive dissonance. He has had more than six years, five of them after 9-11, to secure our borders, and still refuses to do it. Thats not an opinion, thats a statement of fact. Our borders are not secure because Bush doesn’t want them to be, and thats the truth.”
Well said. And he’s quite possibly destroyed his political party in the process.
I have not dared to read this thread but I want to throw him my support for President Bush.
In my estimation, conservatives are being played like a fiddle by the Left. They love dividing us from this President.
President Bush never campaigned on strict border enforcement. Illegal immigrants are not the enemy despite the overheated rhetoric on free republic.
People who want to have more strict enforcement can press for such candidates in the wide open political ranges of 2008.
Bashing Bush does absolutely no good for conservatives.
Crossing the border may not make someone an American but it certainly should not preclude them from becoming one.
Hispanics have an excellent chance of becoming conservatives despite the fearmongering directed at them.
I support President Bush.
Please do not give up your good fight.
You are right on target.
I'm guessing the American people are thinking the same thing about their own neighborhoods and you Mr. President.
Quite a rant. If a bomb comes across the northern border I’d expect an impeachment too. Other than that, your screed twists into grotesque postures in order to reach your desired outcome... that those who are demanding control over immigration are racist and that, and that alone, is what motivates them. Moreover, I believe that you used the third person to describe those people as a literary device, that what you were REALLY doing was calling ME a racist, cerebrally vacant, cretinous, a ‘cerebrally stunted dweeb’, etc.
Here’s a news flash: What Pablo and Paco REALLY want is... to do whatever the hell they want and the hell with our laws or what WE want.
No need to do that.
Just make it a felony to employ an illegal, a felony to provide an illegal with any form of taxpayer-funded service (with the exception of emergency medical care in the event of an actual life-threatening situation) and amend the Constitution to strip citizenship from anyone who was born in the US to non-US citizens anytime after 1988.
Do that and the vast majority of them will leave on their own “dime.”
In 2001, we KNEW about some Yemenis who tried to get across, and we even knew that they were offering $30K a head and could not get in.
OTOH, the one example we have of a border hopper who was apprehended IN the USA before he could do a terrorist act was from [ahem] Canada.
“hint: Just TEN MILLION aliens working on bogus SS numbers...., JUST ON THE FICA NUMBERS, assuming they work for 10 dollars per hour, bring into the federal treasury a total of over 32 billion dollars into the US treasury...”
That wouldn’t even cover the cost of putting their anchor-babies through public school
Is someone saying stuff like this about you?
This past Saturday we had 15,000 illegals take over the streets of downtown Los Angeles and DEMAND amnesty...NOW! I might believe this President was becoming serious about border enforcement if he had sent ICE in there to shake things up a bit.
As usual, not a border patrol agent in sight. What a surprise.
I'll bite. I don't want illegal border jumper/visa overstays in my country. Period.
As for your spew about how Mexicans are paying more than they're costing, you are either uninformed ( I doubt) or just being dishonest (likely). And I don't care what 'color' this country becomes. I do care that some of you insist we support a 21st century economy with 18th century illegal, undereducated, socialistic labor
Treasury Department Report. The results of our study are also buttressed by an analysis of illegal alien tax returns done by the Inspector General's Office of the Department of Treasury in 2004.35 That study found that 55 percent of illegal aliens who filed income tax returns using tax identification numbers had no federal income tax liability. While higher than the 45 percent estimated in this study, it must be remembered that this figure was only for those who filed tax returns using a tax identification number. These are all individuals who expected refunds, otherwise they would not have gone to the trouble of getting tax identification numbers and filing a return. But like our estimates, the Inspector General's report indicates that roughly half of illegals have no tax liability, reflecting their very low incomes and large number of dependents.
The number of ITINs issued in the last few years has increased dramatically, climbing from 1.1 million in 2001 to 1.5 million in 2002--a one-year increase of about 36 percent. Normally, ITINs would be used to file a Form 1040NRU.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return. However, many ITINs are used to file Forms 1040, which creates challenges for tax administration. Our analysis of Forms 1040 filed in Tax Year 2001 with ITINs found that approximately 530,000 Forms 1040 were filed with ITINs as the primary number by aliens who resided in the U.S., but who were not authorized to work and, in general, to reside in the U.S.
* These returns reported adjusted gross income of $10.7 billion. After tax deductions and credits, these tax returns reported a total liability of $184 million. * Over half of the tax returns reported no tax liability, and $522 million in tax refunds were claimed on these returns.
BECK: This is insanity. You know, I just saw a number -- and tell me if this number is right, if you even have it -- I just saw a number on, in 2004, what we paid illegal aliens in tax refunds, 2004. Do you know this number?
CAMAROTA: Yes, I believe -- the figure I`ve heard is about $10 billion. That`s based on estimates that the Treasury Department has done itself, $10 billion they paid back to illegal aliens.
BECK: That is insane. We`re paying them $10 billion, and we can`t arrest them, we can`t even find them, we don`t even know -- $10 billion? And now we`re giving them Social Security, one that we don`t need another country to sabotage for us. We`re doing it ourselves. The whole thing is going to collapse.
CAMAROTA: Yes, and what`s worse than that is, that the IRS issues them tax I.D. numbers so that they can then file their income tax with their false Social Security numbers so that we can give them their $10 billion back.
BECK: OK, all right. So the last thing here -- let me just role play here for a second. I`m an illegal alien. I have to now go to the government and prove to the government that I have a fake I.D., that I bought a fake Social Security card on the street in the black market, and then the government rewards me for that, right?
CAMAROTA: Yes, in effect, sure. Once you get legal status, then you apply for the credits that you earned while you were an illegal alien. And the way you do that is like you said: You show your false documents. You bring out your bogus tax returns, and so forth.
Are you old enough to know the truth of your statement? I doubt it.
You know, I can see how you would think that, and I do apologize. I have a "list" of folks here for whom I believe that epithet does apply, but you ain't on it. I don't believe we have ever had the pleasure of speaking here on FR
As an aside, I believe the term "racist" has ceased to mean much of anything, since the socialists have co-opted the term. In the conversation between you and me, I was probably closer to a racial stereotype in describing Pablo and Paco's drunk driving misadventures. A leftoid would howl that this is "racist" because it is an ethnic stereotype. However, my experience is that people seldom sit around drinking a beer, smoking a joint, or reading the Bible, and someone says "hey, lets create a stereotype!" They exist because they are cultural truths "in general." So, yeah, Mexicans drive drunk. Moreover, they beat their women more than other groups do. The professionally sensitive, like the migrafreaks, will just have to get over it.
There are many, many decent people who will no longer post on this least on threads like this........ because it has become almost indistinguishable from DU.
That is a fact.
I am, and it is true. Gag on it.
Our only hope is that the RATS follow their previous strategy and oppose the president on this policy initiative too.
Take for example, the capture of terrorist suspect Jose Padilla. The Justice Department says Padilla and an accomplice planned to enter the U.S. thru Mexico to blow up apartment buildings in major cities, like New York.
Or the case of suspected al-Qaeda sleeper agent Mohammed Junaid Babar.
Babar has told investigators of a scheme to smuggle terrorists across the Mexican border. He’s tied to a terror plot to carry out bombings and assassinations in London.
And the Tombstone Tumbleweed newspaper reports that in June, 53 Middle Eastern men were apprehended by Border Patrol agents near Willcox.
It’s believed they were from Iran or Syria
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