I am not a friend of PC, but what Imus called these young women was utterly reprehensible. He threw the team and the University right into the crapper.
Why do they care what the hell he says? Does he hold some special power that people will automatically subscribe to his beliefs?
He has the right to say whatever he wants to, this is america after all, at least for a little while longer. If the company wants to fire him that is their business, he does have to follow their rules(not to mention the FCCs rules),but to tell them to re-educate him is as bad, if not worse, then his statement. We don't re-educate people in this country for their beliefs, especially when they give them voice.
About time we put a stop to this PC BS, freedom of speech, take the consequences but speak your piece, and don't appologize for anything if you believe it, if you don't believe it then don't say it.
AND AS IF HE MEANT IT!! This overpaid, alcholic, pill popper for the politically correct lefties was asked this morning by, russert what he was doiung for EASTER, and he said he would probably do some nailing. You don,t hear anything on this!!