Okay, seriously. Regardless of what you think about Rudy, what's incorrect about this statement?
All of the candidates are having to come to grips with the impact of the blogs and the Internet in general. Rudy can't blame bloggers for the issues (and I don't ~think~ he is) that are out there. But the promotion of them is certainly attributable to the blogosphere.
Any serious candidate will realize this and respond accordingly. Let's face it, if it wasn't for YouTube, George Allen would still be in the Senate and would be the presumed front runner.
You make a good point.
It means Rudy would rather blame the blogsphere than look at his own missteps over the last week. Ya gotta admit, he's made a few doozies over the last ten days or so.
All the blogsphere is doing is getting out Rudy's own words and videos of Rudy's own past appearances and utterances. Candidates can no longer use campaign advertising to drown out their past OR their present fallocies.