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To: MEGoody
“but these days, it would be very few Christians who would interpret the bible to say they should kill non-believers. “

Just because they have stopped killing for now does not mean ideologically they have changed. Rather Christians have figured a better way to convert. The methods may have changed however the agenda remained the same. Religions are little more then quasi political tools. And that was true in the past and is true even now.

“Really? In this modern world you don’t buy that?”

Judging from Christianity’s past ...NO.
Although in modern times their outlook has changed. ...But its the same Christian religion that was violent in the past has become relatively much more peaceful today. So how is that possible?
Again as I said its not what the religion teaches or claims to teach but what people understand from it and how they interpret it. And this could be not because of but in spite of what it teaches.

“And they believe you have no real understanding of God.”

I dont claim I do. And you too would be in for a surprise if you claim you do.

A very interesting aspect of Buddhism is that it actually says that it has very little understanding of the nature of God and it does even not attempt to answer the question about God. According to Buddhism the more important issue to address is the cause for human suffering and misery. Except for that all the abstruse transcendental metaphysics and the attempt at understanding God is futile exercise.

159 posted on 08/13/2007 11:57:18 AM PDT by Gengis Khan
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To: Gengis Khan
Just because they have stopped killing for now does not mean ideologically they have changed.

Actually, if you study the history of Christianity, the period where the inquisition, etc occurred was the exception. There is nothing 'ideologically' in Christianity that calls for the killing of those who will not convert. As you know, if you are honest, the opposite is true of Islam. The periods of peace with others have been the exception.

And this could be not because of but in spite of what it teaches.

Well, yes, in spite of, because mankind has a pretty strong sinful nature.

I dont claim I do.

Okay, so you are, by implication, saying that your statement about 'them' not having any real understanding of God is just your feeling on the issue and not any real statement about the character of God.

And you too would be in for a surprise if you claim you do.

How do you know since you have admitted you don't have any real understanding of God?

161 posted on 08/13/2007 12:07:17 PM PDT by MEGoody (Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.)
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To: Gengis Khan

You, sir, have absolutely no clue whatsoever what you are talking about when it comes to Christianity. None. You have no business spouting off in such a public forum on something that you are so demonstrably ignorant about.

I also cannot sit idly as you attempt to paint Christianity as, in effect, yet another mildly-tamed death cult or “quasi-political organization”. That is so ludicrous and inane .

167 posted on 08/13/2007 12:37:16 PM PDT by RightOnline
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