The last few days while this was going on, I was so disappointed with what I heard from Hugh Hewitt. I agree with him on a lot of what he says, but on the border and on illegal immigration, he is just wrong. He’s great on the war, on taxes, on religion, etc., but his take on the 2006 election vis a vis illegal immigration couldn’t have been more off the mark.
He suggested that the border wasn’t the big issue and that taking a strong stance on it was a loser for Republicans. From everyone I have talked to that didn’t bother to go out and vote that day, the border and illegals WERE some of the biggest reasons why they stayed home. They were fed up with no one listening, with the pandering, that the feeling was, “Why should I even bother? They are going to ram an amnesty down our throats. They are going to do a guest worker program and they don’t care about what I think.”
HH is out of touch with regular Americans who feel very strongly on this issue, who are affected in a very direct way in their daily lives (jobs, schools, etc). The only people who don’t feel like Tom Tancredo on this issue are WSJ Republicans or liberals.
The only people who dont feel like Tom Tancredo on this issue are WSJ Republicans or liberals.
truth bump...