People need to recall these idiots. They’s our money and if this country came together, we can get rid of the bunch of them. Don’t wait to vote them out, recall them.....state by state.
There are about 24 million people directly employed by federal, state, and local government - one sixth of the entire labor force. As many again are employed in putatively private enterprise that is dependent on government contracts. Two trillion dollars a year go out subsidizing even more people who aren't even working.
Democracy is demographics. People on the dole will always vote to continue taking our money because that money is their livelyhood. Once a critical mass of tax recipients exists, it is democratically self perpetuating. We have achieved that mass and smaller, less parasitic government is no longer electable. The only thing that is to be decided is which recipient blocks will grow the fastest this year.
The elected officals in Washington have cares about the voters. Look at the drug companies and the way our elected officals sell their votes for fools gold.