You said — Gay marriage affects real marriage the way counterfeit money affects real money.
You mean, it makes you suspicious and wary of “real marriage”? Or, do you mean it debases the currency?
Star Traveler
If I were to set up my very own counterfeit $100 bill making machine and pass them off as real currency, the FBI and every other law enforcement agency would storm my house, shut down the presses, and frog-march me away to the big-house, pronto. And rightfully so. That is because counterfeit money dilutes (harms)the value of real money....It cheapens bona fide currency.
Likewise, ‘gay’ marriage dilutes real said ‘debases’ and I agree. As a society, anything that dilutes or debases bona fide marriage should be declared illegal. (And please don’t get me started on the state of anti-Family Law in this country, which is the subject of an entirely different rant)