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This is, of course, all the fault of the Jews and Bush.
for years the 'diaperheads' have been sh***ing, metaphorically, on the Israelis, and now a literal "hydro-strategic damage" possibility....
The article is a little over the top. Sewage shouldn't effect the desalination plant. The filters are already dealing with salt and bio matter in the water. The filters can handle the stuff. Or you can extend or deepen your intake pipe. Anyways, dealing with waste is like government 101. It seems the Palis can't, so Gaza should over time become a nice source of diseases. Anyone smart is getting out, leaving ever more corrupt, thuggish and incompetent. Diseases should track along nicely. Look for Palis to begin biological warfare by having sick Palis enter Israel and transmit disease.
here's a link for the doomsday machine:
Why does this NOT surprise me, because the so-called 'Palestinains' does not exist but as a paper-name to give legitimacy to squatters-cum-terrorists hellbent on the destruction of Israel.
We read over the week-end that a man was arrested for reselling selling the Iraeli made pipes that were meant to go for the sewage system to the terrorists, where the metal was melted down and re-made into missiles to be lobbed at Israel.
I always thought they were a sick culture of death but to start using their own human waste as a weapon against the Jews is a low that most animals won't stoop to.