That is a fact and I don't see an answer. The only thing I hope is that Ohioans observe the Democratic Majority in Congress and go back to the GOP.
A conservative who is politically savvy and wanted to win in the general election, would vote for Rudy. Unless we can run a candidate who can win some blue states, we stand to lose everything and could face disaster. Only Rudy can do this. Republican conservatives can talk about Romney or Thompson or Hunter till they're blue in the face but facts are facts and none of the conservative candidates usually mentioned on this site has the clout with the general public in places like OH, NJ, FL, PA, MN, CT, CA, OR, IO, RI--that Rudy has, just to name a few blue or battleground states that would hand the GOP a landslide victory and secure the Congress for them in '08.
The problem with Ohio is the lib-tards in Cleveland and NE Ohio. This part of the state emits a strange sucking sound as it tries to suck the rest of the state into its Black Hole.
I see an answer. It's called enforcing the rules on the books for "free trade" against the mercantilists that are eating Ohio's lunch, not to mention the rest of the country...
This problem may be more widespread than meets the eye at the moment. The GOP has been extremely unresponsive to the concerns of the American people.