I agree with you that Rudy could probably win the presidency with relative ease, but I doubt he would have coattails down the ticket.
The marginal Giuliani voter would probably not see a dilema in supporting him and a Democrat for Congress at the same time. Rudy is not a very partisan figure.
At this point I feel the only conservative that could win the nomination and the presidency is Fred Thompson. His name at the top of the ticket would probably be more of an inspiration to the base as well, and IMHO give us a better shot at taking back Congress.
I disagree. Thompson lacks the fire in the belly. He had a lackluster four years in the Senate and has had no other experience in government. In the end he quit and returned to acting. He's also a desultory campaigner who would attract not a single blue state, whereas Rudy is a fierce opponent who would sweep the board and help a lot of conservative candidates. The dems know this--which is why they are already cooking up some phony "scandals" to try to do him in. It won't work. He's a known quantity as a leader.