Why are you afraid to say what presidential candidate you are supporting?
Why are you afraid to say whether you supported passage of H.R.4437?
Why are you afraid to say whether you supported passage of S.6211?
Why are you afraid to say whether you support giving illegal aliens legal status and a path to citizenship?
House Republicans overwhelmingly supported H.R.4437, yet you are afraid to say whether you supported its passage.
A majority of Republicans opposed S.6211. It was overwhelmingly suppported by Democrats. You are afraid to say whether you supported S.6211.
I'm not fixated on presidential candidates. I simply would like for you to disclose what presidential candidate you are supporting. If I criticize Sen. Brownback or Sen. McCain for their immigration policies, those viewing my posts know that I'm a supporter of Rep. Tancredo. Unlike you, though, I don't go time after to threads about a particular Republican presidential candidate and make negative comments about them. In fact, I have very rarely posted on threads about other Republican presidential candidates.
What member of the United States Senate or House not running for president best represents your views with regard to illegal immigration and legal immigration?
Is Duncan Hunter an extremist kook?
Why don't you tell everyone posting on this thread what Republicans serving in the House and Senate you believe aren't extremist kooks. Somehow I suspect that if you actually answer the question all of those persons that you name will support giving legal status and a path to citizenship to millions of illegal aliens.
An accurate statement would be that "some House republicans supported HR 4437 as a stand alone, enforcement only immigration bill and some House republicans supported HR 4437 as the enforcement provision that was to be merged with the Senate's immigration reform bill".
When the House's HR 4437 reached the Senate, the Senate made some changes to the enforcement and added reform. From there, the bill was to go to conference committee, and compromised to a final bill to be voted on by the Senate and the House.
Of course, House leadership(Hastert) knew that the Borderbots had lost, that if the compromise bill came back to the House, there were enough votes on the House floor to pass it. In fact, Tancredo said several times in the media that he could stop the Senate's bill only if Hastert honored his pledge.
Rather than go to conference committe, the Hastert/Borderbots walked away from the legislative process. This contributed to the electoral bloodbath for Republicans.
Nothing has changed. Except that the dems control Congress and they will easily manuever the GOP into a more extreme and strident position of trying to block any and everything. This will cause further losses for the GOP in 08.
In case you don't know it, we are in the 110th Congress. All those bills from the 109th were wiped out. Where is your bill for this Congress? Who is writing it? When will it be submitted?
What's that you say, you don't have a bill?