Not much different than some people voting based on looks. Old A. Lincoln wouldn't have a chance nowadays.
I'd LOL if it weren't so pathetic. Your comment is so true. I know people who are actually proud of not following the news.
Hey, his wife is dying; lets vote for him. He's a victimmmmm....
This brings to mind the Wellstone Funerally, only this time the advantage is being sought prior to Edwards' wife's death. I guess if he works it right, and has Mrs. Edwards work hard enough on his campaign, he can have her die shortly before Super Duper Tuesday, and gain enough sympathy votes to get the nomination. Of course, if word of this plan gets out Hillary and Obama will have to get people close to them to agree (or not) to die so that they can have competing funerallies.
I used to believe that democrat politicians ran for office in order to implement liberal policies. While the implementation of their policies may be a nice by-product of their election to office, I am becoming convinced that all democrat politicians really care about is getting into office and holding power. I am sure there is a fair amount of that on the GOP side, too, but GOP candidates frequently have a fair amount of power outside the political realm before running for office, and GOP candidates seldom shy away from debating the issues. Dems, on the other hand, retreat from answering the hard questions, preferring to attack the questioner, or anyone close by who disagrees with them.
Not much of a revelation, perhaps, but the brazenness with which the dems show their devotion to winning at all costs, with no real concern about the people or the issues, ought to be astounding (but it isn't, somehow).