The argument over energy used to make ethanol is moot in any case. It has enough environmental and economic negatives to bury it without that argument.
Moreover, every $1 of profits earned by ADM’s corn sweetener operation costs consumers $10, and every $1 of profits earned by its ethanol operation costs taxpaying suckers $30. Even if we were to produce 10%-20% of our fuel energy from biofuels, we reduce US reliance on OPEC oil to zero,
while using up our existing farmland, and the grain it produces. Add in the environmental degredation and it’s a clear loser.
On behalf of more than 800,000 FreedomWorks members nationwide, I write to urge you to support S. 3711, The Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act. This legislation would take an important step towards greater energy security for the U.S. and lessen dependence on foreign sources of energy such as oil.
Senator Pete Domenici (R-NM) told the media, the Senate proposal would yield more than 5 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, "enough to make sure all the homes in Florida have enough natural gas for 10 years." The proposal would make over 8 million acres available for leasing within one year of enactment. These lands would yield over 1 billion barrels of oil and over 5 trillion cubic feet of gas, thus lessening our dependence on foreign sources of energy.
The chart below from Minerals Management Service (MMS), shows undiscovered oil and natural gas in the U.S. Exploration of these spaces would help alleviate the U.S. energy crisis and is the future of natural gas production in the U.S.