It's at times like this that I have to ask myself if I am one of the few sane Jews left on Earth or am I an sociopath monster.
These people hate Jews/Israel. Their entire existence is devoted to the destruction and murder of Jews/Israel.
I only see and enemy as damaged. I have no sympathy.
And I am very angry at the compassion and help offered by my fellow Jews and Israel- whom they are determined to destroy. Why aren't the injured in Egyptian hospitals? Or Allah forbid, soiling the sheets at a hospital in Saudi Arabia?
"He who is kind to the cruel will be cruel to the kind"
Israelis shouldn't do anything for these monsters. They elected Hamas and the crazies at Hamas want to make Jerusalem capital of a new Muslim Caliphate. The Hamas leaders also stated that Islam must conquer the entire planet. They have world ambitions beyond destroying Israel.
Muslims are in Jihad mode today and for the next few decades. Infidels shouldn't do a damn thing to help them. They don't appreciate charity from infidels anyhow. To them it shows the infidel is stupid and weak.