If such a bill, including amnest (by ANY NAME), is signed into law, I will not vote Republican again - period. That is enough to be a permananet deal-breaker. The Republican Party is doing to our country what we have so long voted Republican to prevent - selling us out and running us into oblivion.
Apparently, our vote (if for Dems or Repubs) don't really matter any more. All establishment politicians are hell-bent on ruining the United States. Neither party is any better than the other. When the "frontrunners" for the GOP side of the'08 election are as liberal on nearly every issue as Hitlery - that should be a sign. And the Republican party (backed by GW Bush and Co.) are right on board.
But I guess there are many here on FR who would argue that ANY Repub is better than a Dem. I firmly believe that the only remaining hope for America is a 3rd party. and since the establishment will never allow that to happend with the closed two-party system, we are very likely - screwed.