To: Txsleuth
No way, no how, will we grant French citizens refurgee status.
44 posted on
03/20/2007 1:53:46 PM PDT by
("Liberals read Karl Marx. Conservatives UNDERSTAND Karl Marx." Ronald Reagan)
To: ichabod1
Why not???
Have you not seen how the French jews are being treated over there??? Do you want to see a repeat of the 1940's?
46 posted on
03/20/2007 1:55:23 PM PDT by
(I don't know who I am voting for yet...just window shopping.)
To: ichabod1
No way, no how, will we grant French citizens refurgee status. We've done it before.
58 posted on
03/20/2007 2:04:02 PM PDT by
(If you're not being shot at, it's not a high stress job.)
To: ichabod1
No way, no how, will we grant French citizens refurgee status.
That is a decision for the executive branch, and if Bush orders Chertoff to deny them all asylum, that will be that . . . for a while. Then the appeals, first to the Board of Immigration Appeals (part of Justice, again Exec. branch), and then to the various US Cts. of Appeals . . . . (Years will pass).
106 posted on
03/20/2007 6:57:03 PM PDT by
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