First off that has nothing to do with regard to what I was discussing with you (and your foolish comment).
Furthermore that is not exactly what GWB said. He made it clear if CFR passed both chambers he would sign it (and he did). Additionally he said if parts of the bill were deemed unconstitutional...that was for the SCOUTS to decide. Which is exactly right.
Lastly as I don't care much about this issue at the moment (CFR). The reality is the bogey man of CFR never did materialize now did it? There is more money in politics today then ever before. And individuals are giving more then ever before.
Ok, you haven't offered arguments as to why he isn't spineless as it goes to defending his administration. Now saying my comment was foolish because you said it was directed at the CINC, which I never muddied the waters with that one.
At this juncture in my life, unless the militia has been called up in defense of the nation, I'm not sure that I can presently call him my CINC. I will stipulate that he is one of the better CINCs of the nation's armed forces.
I have no issue with how he has functioned as CINC.