In case you aren't keeping score, mark Red's in the "out of existence" column.
Anytime a bureaucrat is given the kinds of power the BATFE has, it will be abused. Red's is just one in a long line of dealers being rail-roaded out of the industry by crap like this.
I don't think he's being railroaded out of existence. I think Horsley was unreasonable and sloppy at least. He already had at least one warning, which should have woke him up. It didn't and his op continued to be sloppy.
from the article: "Ryan Horsley said Red's was found responsible of several violations in an earlier audit."
The dealers I know don't have these problems, even one with filing system, that amounted to storing their forms at the point in the store where they were filled out and dropped right there, then later fell into a box, into a corner, or stuck to the bottom of a sandwich wrapper. The sales volume, was on the order of this guy's.