I'm sure you include the owner of the forum in that charge. You know, you guys belong on DU - as does the leftist you want to put in office. You hate everything the Republican Party platform purports to uphold, as well as everything FreeRepublic represents, yet you persist in blaring these Ra-Ra-Rudy threads at us. Ick!
If the shoe fits, wear it. There are no gods to whom one must bow down on FR.
I remind you that you no me not one whit. I most certainly do not "hate everything the Republican Party platform purports to uphold." If I did, unlike some of the jokers here, I would leave the Republican Party and not remain to sabotage its nominee and, thereby, hand more power to the Rats on a silver platter.
I have never posted a Rudy thread, so take your invective elsewhere. Further, there is a well-known method for avoiding threads that make one go "ick." It's called "scroll."
And don't ever call me an "abortion fan" again. I mean it.