The only kind of aid we should be sending to Latin America is for contraception, sterilization, and abortion. The "poverty" in South America is the direct result of breeding like feral cats, just like in Africa. People don't care one iota that the children they already have are starving -- they just go ahead and have more anyway. And then we're confronted with the extortionist alternatives: send lots of money, or we'll breed terrorists and teeming masses of illegal immigrants to swarm over your border. Trouble is, every penny you give them just goes to make more babies. We've been sending money for decades, and the "poverty" never gets any better, it's quantity just multiplies.
I am a big believer in 'charity starts at home'. I don't like my tax dollars redistributed period but if they are going to do it anyway, make sure the old and the young are taken care of here at home first.