Doo-doo topped with ribbon. This terrorist-ridden (and led) economic basketcase is headed by pilferers of international aid monies intent on hopeless, bloody internal squabbling - all the while blaming America and Israel for all of its self-imposed ills.
Though a skilled sculptor can bend clay to his will to take on the desired shape, only a foolish one would hope to do the same with old dried-out cat shit.
This is what the entire middle-east will look like without oil. A global backwater which will never be host to anything of relevance other than conflict and repression (ie the same thing it is now, except with fewer shiny toys). Democracy in the region will not cure the endemic cultural cancer that pervades it.
Today's Manhattan project should be to develop an energy alternative that can be adopted by not only America, but will gladly be purchased for adoption by the rest of the world (including the developing world, which for some ODD REASON will never include Muslim nations) by virtue of being cheaper. Bankrupt the neolithics, and, when they act up, pave them from 30,000. The liberals and their spawn, from Wilson forward, had their chance to "fix" the world. Naivety can no longer be used as an excuse - what remains is willful disregard of the cold, hard truth. Let these bastards culturally evolve or rot.
IMO, they cannot culturally evolve until they get rid of the lunatic leadership....the dusty, ugly, sunken dark eyed imams, mullas, and ayatollahs...
These neanderthals are the driving force which keeps the flock in the dark age dirt.
I tend to believe that if the muzzie leadership were removed and the threat of murder and terror were removed from the muzzie flock....islam would start dying on its own. People would leave in droves, especially the women.
....or....maybe not....