the baby boomers are histories most irresponsible generation.
The baby boomers have destroyed this country, taken it too far into the field of socialism, opened pandora's box with the sexual revolution and have shown themselves to be the most ego-centric & self absorbed generation in history.
I would compare them to the monarchs of old Europe, fancying themselves possessors of a Divine Right to make the world into something that is inoffensive and comfortable to thier delicate self image. They flippantly tell the world what it must do and what it must sacrifice but are unwilling to lead by example. They pursue philosophies that have utterly failed at the cost of millions of lives and immense suffering deluding themselves that they can do it the right way because they have good intentions, as if they were the first one's to try marxism with good intentions.
They have destroyed our moral fabric and ability to reason with the post modernism of moral relativism. They have turned our schools into indoctrination centers formulated to raise a generation of yes men and women unable to learn from failure and unwilling to try from fear of it. They have gelded the men and put women on the front lines to defend them. They have extended childhood to the age of 30 and withhold the idea of personal responsibility from thier children.
They have murdered a whole generation before it could take it's first breath because kids are inconvenient.
They have made patriotism a sin and American History a tale of despair and betrayal instead of progress and freedom.
They have stolen by social security money and have doomed my kids to a life of economic servitude, we will be working until the day we die so that they can retire comfortably. </rant>
Your generation will be no better. Your only hope is to learn from our mistakes--don't elect politicians who want to use their position to strengthen their own power and prestige, but elect those who want to minimize the role of government. Be wary of the politician who wants to make government "more efficient"--that's a buzzword for bigger and more powerful. Elect people who want to make government fail, because that's the only way that the masses will realize that "government is not the solution--it's the problem."
* 81 percent said getting rich is was their most important or second most important life goal;
* 51 percent said the same about being famous;
You might say that it's the Boomers' influence that caused this. If so, might the Boomers blame their failures on those of the Greatest and Silent Generations for raising them improperly?
It's nice to have someone to blame, but history shows that prosperous societies eventually become soft, decadent, and complacent, and that's their downfall. It's human nature, and that's where we're heading.