"Congressional Democrats have decided to push a specific timeline for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq."
Boy are they stupid.
The tide is turning in Iraq, so of course the Dems want to give the enemy as much aid and comfort as possible. Too bad it's all symbolic, between not controlling the Senate and Presidential veto power they can't really do much.
In the meantime the folks who actually understand what's going on will get the job done.
I predict very good things for Republicans in the 2008 elections - let's hope they actually start cutting the size of government, securing the borders, leaving the Second Amendment (heck, the whole Constitution) alone, going hard on the WOT and bringing some sanity back to the capital. Sadly, I'm guessing we'll get more of the same RINO BS we've had for the last six years instead... :P
Since the political establishment isn't going to do anything, we need a grassroots movement to move to a multi-party system. That's the only way we'll have true differences between electable candidates. Right now the Democrats and Republicans are 90% the same.
The President is going to veto the War on Terror supplemental appropriation bill? The Senate is going to filibuster that bill, if it comes out of the house (as all such bills must)?
The power of the purse which belongs mostly to the House, is a very great power indeed. The Senate's power to disapprove Presidential appointments, especially judges and Justices, is probably the only greater power delegated to either the executive or the legislative branch by the Constitution.