Posted on 03/05/2007 4:06:02 PM PST by NormsRevenge
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger met with former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani on Monday to discuss gang crime but stopped short of endorsing his fellow Republican for the 2008 presidential race.
Giuliani was in Los Angeles and met with Schwarzenegger and law enforcement officials to discuss methods of tackling violence in what is called the gang capital of America.
Schwarzenegger praised Giuliani's past success battling crime as mayor of New York City and said he wants all of the 2008 presidential candidates to put issues pertinent to California high on their agendas.
"You're going to see me with a lot of candidates," said Schwarzenegger, who appeared last month with Arizona Sen. John McCain (news, bio, voting record), another presidential hopeful, to call for a nationwide roll-out of California's new low carbon fuel standard.
Schwarzenegger said that in past presidential elections, candidates largely overlooked issues in the country's most populous state. By meeting with as many visiting candidates as possible, he hoped 2008 would be different. Candidates are expected to seek Schwarzenegger's endorsement eagerly.
"This time, the candidates will pay attention to California," Schwarzenegger said.
U.S. Republican presidential hopeful and former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani speaks at a news conference following a meeting with California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) on combating crime and gang violence in the Los Angeles area in Monterey Park, California March 5, 2007. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni (UNITED STATES)
Former New York City mayor and possible presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani, left, listens to California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger talk about combating crime and gang activity in Los Angeles during a news conference in Monterey Park, Calif., Monday, March 5, 2007. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)
Rudy, Don't be a GirlyMan! It's early yet!
McCain can say what he wants, I haven't endorsed him either.
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, right, reacts to questions about his family asked during a press conference after he and California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, left, met to discuss gang violence at the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Dept., Monterey Park, Calif., Monday, March 5, 2007. (AP Photo/Mark Avery)
Rudy is too Liberal for Arnold.
Maybe Rudy is too liberal for Arnold. :-)
You two twins? ;-)
4:09:57 PM
Maybe Rudy is too liberal for Arnold. :-)
4:09:57 PM
Rudy is too Liberal for Arnold.
I beat you by less than a second!
Spooky, isn't it?
I'd have been first if I hadn't smiled :-)
Arnold also stopped short of being a conservative.
Fix your own sick messes. Why does the rest of the country need to hold your state in such importance? Clean your own house of the vileness and violence, the hypocrisy of your "elected" officials and the sick and twisted laws they pass and the demands they put upon the rest of the country. Kalifornia makes me sick and so do you "terminator".
Who knows, in the end , the Gub may stick a dagger in both McCain and Rudy's back,, Mitt is pretty in tune with him, in more ways than some might like to admit. Ya never know.
He's keeping his options open, for now.
Sounds like a reasonable approach.
At this point, absolutely. It is way too early to cast his lot on any one horse, especially when he may have some leverage down the road... or, only to witness that one horse falter down the track.
Estelle: He stopped short and made a grab.
Frank: He stopped short? That's my move. I'm gonna kill him!
As a Duncan Hunter supporter I am choosing not to engage in debate on this Rudy Giuliani thread on Free Republic. As a freeper I am disappointed that there are fans of a liberal presidential candidate trying to push socially liberal views on this socially conservative forum. In particular, I have noticed that the Rudy G fans do not answer posts questioning the qualitative substance of their candidate, or the posts are met merely with insults.
Duncan Hunter's campaign website
Statement of Jim Robinson, Founder of Free Republic:
As a conservative site, Free Republic is pro-God, pro-life, pro-family, pro-Constitution, pro-Bill of Rights, pro-gun, pro-limited government, pro-private property rights, pro-limited taxes, pro-capitalism, pro-national defense, pro-freedom, and-pro America. We oppose all forms of liberalism, socialism, fascism, pacifism, totalitarianism, anarchism, government enforced atheism, abortionism, feminism, homosexualism, racism, wacko environmentalism, judicial activism, etc.
Video of Rudy Giuliani in his own words
Transcript of video below.
Will the real Rudy show up at CPAC?
Culture of life:
ABC clip:
George Will: "Do you think Roe v Wade was good constitutional law?"
Rudy Giuliani: "Yes I believe, I believe it is."
Cnn Clip December 2, 1999:
Announcer: "Giuliani was then asked whether he supports a ban on what critics call partial birth abortions, something Bush strongly supports."
Rudy Giuliani : "No, I have not supported that, and I don't see my position on that changing."
CNN clip:
Announcer: "Back in 1996, mayor Giuliani went to federal court to challenge new federal laws requiring the city to inform the federal government about illegal immigrants."
Rudy Giuliani: "There isn't a mayor or a public official in this country that's more strongly pro immigrant than I am. Including disagreeing with President Clinton when he signed an anti-immigration legislation about two or three years ago."
Gun control:
CNN clip
Rudy Giuliani: "I'm in favor of gun control"
Meet The Press:
Tim Russert: "How about registration of all handguns?"
Rudy Giuliani: "You know I'm in favor of that. I've been on your show many times."
Gay Rights:
CNN Clip:
Announcer: "As mayor he supported civil unions, and extending health and other benefits to gay couples."
ABC Clip: "I supported domestic partnership legislation and signed it"
Meet The Press:
Tim Russert: "So should gay people be openly allowed to serve?"
Rudy Giuliani: "I think people should be judged on the merits. And there should not be a specific focus on someone's sexual orientation."
First Amendment:
ABC Clip
Cokie Roberts: "Would you vote in the senate in favor of Mccain / Feingold?"
Rudy Giuliani: "Yes, I'm a big supporter of Mccain / Feingold. I have been for a long time."
Party Loyalty:
ABC Clip:
Rudy Giuliani: "Frankly George, I'd like to run on all the lines. I'd like to run on the liberal line, the conservative line, I'd like to run on the democratic line if I could figure out how to do it."
Conservative Values:
Meet The Press:
Tim Russert: "Whether it's gays in the military, gun control, campaign finance, late term abortion - you and Hillary Clinton are in sync on those issues."
Rudy Giuliani: "Well then maybe the other side should stop the 'He's part of the vast right wing conspiracy'."
Welcome To CPAC, Rudy!
End clip.
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