You mean like Amtrak pays for itself? Oh wait, it constantly loses money and has to be subsidized by taxpayers.
While the desire to be able to travel long distances over a short period of time, without having to actively drive a vehicle is understandable. Passenger rail systems just haven't proven cost effective except over short runs in highly populated areas, and even then only when the routes are chosen carefully.
Really I don't care if it does or not. MAGLEV NOW!!!!
From our past experience with passenger rail systems, this is not just likely to lose money, it's likely to lose hundreds of millions of dollars a year after costing billions to construct.
Who do you think should pay for that, and what do you suggest justifies them having to pay for it?
Are we going to just close down all commerce and development thereof because of illegals?
I mentioned the need for customs at the border. I never even mentioned illegal immigration, though that is obviously PART of the problem with having customers in Kansas.
Are you suggesting we should do away with customs inspections all together? What practial benefit is there to having customs in Kansas as opposed to having it on the border.
Having customs officials at an airport that has a lot of international travel to a specific country makes sense. It allows you to deal with possible problems before you reach the destination. I've gone through US customs in Ottowa when flying back to the US, and it worked very well.
However, having US customs in Kansas rather than at the border makes no sense. It doesn't provide a benefit to legitimate trade, since such trade still needs to pass through customs at some point. It instead extends our border the length of the highway until customs has been reached. This extends the distance into our country in which someone could smuggle weapons before they are inspected, making it possible for someone to bring a WMD into highly populated areas without ever having to face inspection by customs.
I don't like illegals anymore than the next guy, but we can't stop every faction of our society because they are coming here regardless of what we do to stop them.
If illegal immigration were not an issue, the reasons I said I would oppose building a highway as described in this article are still completely valid.
You are the one that keeps brining up illegal immigration, not me.
I'm still waiting for your explanation as to how my comments correlate to your comment of "I've got an idea - ban guns because by your reasoning they cause crime".
From what I'm seeing, rational thought isn't one of your strong points.