Bullsh*t. We distrust McCain overwhelmingly because of his outlawing political speech, but there are plenty of other reasons, too.
His opinion of Jerry Falwell, however, is so far beyond meaningless that I lack the vocabulary to describe it.
Agreed, Conservatives distrust McCain for backstabbing the President at every crucial opportunity so that he could grandstand himself on Sunday morning. He fed the media hatred of W. in exchange for self-promotion.
I agree. However, here is my stock response to the conservatives who seem eager to see Hillary as POTUS so that they can say they voted (or not) on principle.
I will vote for the Republican nominee for POTUS because that person is more likely to fight the war on terror, cut taxes and regulations, and appoint more constructionsit judges. (On the last, a lot of Rep POTUS' have made mistakes).
That means I will hold my nose and vote for McCain or Romney. Although concerned about RINO tendencies, I like Rudy as a person, and will also vote for him if he gets the nomination.