<<<..."I think that people like him, and likeability is a big, big factor in presidential politics," a senior Republican strategist said. "Right now, I think his numbers reflect that. As you get closer to the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary, likeability may give way to vote-determinative issues, like abortion."
Said Ayres: "I don't think there's any question those issues will come into play. The question is, will they get traction?">>>
The WaPo will always write a complementary piece or two when it comes to a anti-gun, pro-abortion, open-borders politician.
What's more important? An abortion law the president can't repeal or change anyway, or staying alive? If a strong Republican majority is put in the Congress then I believe abortion and illegal immigration will be dealt with. The best we can ever hope for anyway is for abortion to become solely a States issue. That said, if we are all dead or living in terror daily, none of this matters to begin with.
That's not the important question. Does he click with women? Does he click with the Archie Bunker democrat who votes union on everything but the Presidential election? Those 2 groups election republican presidents.