To: flashbunny
It's also good at exposing the RINO lovers on the board.
So true, I am starting a database here to keep track of them so we can embed little microchips under their fingernails! If and when they log in we can identify and then exterminate them post-haste. Feel free to pass me your list so I can add it to my already growing list of names.
369 posted on
03/03/2007 8:11:57 PM PST by
(Politics is the art of the possible)
To: Registered
"So true, I am starting a database here to keep track of them so we can embed little microchips under their fingernails! If and when they log in we can identify and then exterminate them post-haste. Feel free to pass me your list so I can add it to my already growing list of names."
You don't have to worry. You should know that. They'll end up having to spin so much in their attempts to explain way Rudy's liberalism that they'll eventually self destruct on their own.
That and their complete lack of a sense of humor will ensure their self destruction.
385 posted on
03/03/2007 8:20:28 PM PST by
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