I really can't say whether they were closet moderates bordering on liberal all along, or if they are just so convinced that Giuliani is the only man with a capital R after his name who can defeat Hillary that they're willing to sacrifice their conservative principles in order to keep her out of the White House. Come to think of it, I don't recognize many nom de plumes of FReepers from the "old days" of FR among the posters who are trying to force Rudy on us.
But whoever they are and whatever their reasoning may be, or lack thereof, they're becoming increasingly combative and hostile toward anyone who won't follow them down that road to defeat and 4 years of wandering in a Democrat controlled wilderness. I have been down that bumpy road before enough times to know that liberal RINOs lose at the national level and conservative Republicans win, and that's just one reason why I won't be tagging along.