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Posted on 03/03/2007 5:38:03 PM PST by ZULU
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To: mc5cents; ZULU
Even Reagan had his faults, he WAS a democrat remember? Lets get together and stop bashing one another. OK?Yes, Reagan WAS a democrat, but, as Paul Harvey would say, you're leaving out "the rest of the story". WHEN Reagan was a Democrat the Democrats themselves were nothing like the socialist/leftist/lunatic party they have become today. WHEN Reagan was a Democrat, Democrats like Scoop Jackson were strong on national security, military strength and preparedness, etc., and they actually joined with Republicans in embracing the principle that, with regard to foreign threats, "politics stops at the water's edge".
Reagan was focused on the principles, not the party, or as he put it, "I didn't leave the Democratic Party, they left me". The constant references to the fact that "Reagan was a Democrat" are completely meaningless in the context of what the Democrat Party represents today.
posted on
03/03/2007 8:19:32 PM PST
(So what if I'm not rich? So what if I'm not one of the beautiful people? At least I'm not smart...)
To: WestVirginiaRebel
"People will vote for Rudy (or Romney) because they want someone who can win the WOT"
I'm sorry, but I just don't follow that logic! What are either of those two going to do that would be different than, say, Duncan Hunter or Newt Gingrich? What are their unique qualifications?
I do agree that if we elect giulianni or romney we would have another fdr and jfk.
posted on
03/03/2007 8:19:33 PM PST
((Hunter for Pres/ Ann Coulter Sec, of State))
To: WestVirginiaRebel
"People around here need to get their heads out of the sand (or out of their derriers) and realize that their pet issues are way down on the list of most peoples' concerns right now."
Funny that you would say that. The Rudy fans here have a list of their own "pet issues". Are they more significant than those of us who don't support Rudy? I've been telling people the same thing, to get their heads out of the sand, the only difference is, I'm telling that to the Rudy supporters while you're telling it to us. If Rudy gets nominated, Hillary wins. Of course, the Rudyites say it will be our fault, we say it will be your's. Interesting.
posted on
03/03/2007 8:20:02 PM PST
(Aren't you glad you use common sense, don't you wish everybody did?)
To: Txsleuth
posted on
03/03/2007 8:20:21 PM PST
(Non nobis, non nobis Domine, sed nomini tuo da gloriam. God, guts and guns made America great.)
To: Registered
"So true, I am starting a database here to keep track of them so we can embed little microchips under their fingernails! If and when they log in we can identify and then exterminate them post-haste. Feel free to pass me your list so I can add it to my already growing list of names."
You don't have to worry. You should know that. They'll end up having to spin so much in their attempts to explain way Rudy's liberalism that they'll eventually self destruct on their own.
That and their complete lack of a sense of humor will ensure their self destruction.
posted on
03/03/2007 8:20:28 PM PST
(<--- Free Anti-Rino graphics! See Rudy the Rino get exposed as a liberal with his own words!)
To: paulat
Hi paulat!!!
I am doing great this fine Saturday evening.
Nothing like some interesting threads to keep me thinking and laughing.
Good to see you as well!!
posted on
03/03/2007 8:21:03 PM PST
(I don't know who I am voting for yet...just window shopping.)
To: Jet Jaguar
Good evening.
"...I have seen a lot of Gingrich supporting liberal trolls hanging around lately."
I support Newt and I'm neither liberal or a troll, at least I don't consider myself a troll.
Michael Frazier
posted on
03/03/2007 8:21:10 PM PST
(no surrender no retreat, well, maybe retreat's ok)
To: paulat
dig on the irrelevant!
posted on
03/03/2007 8:21:14 PM PST
Fierce Allegiance
(RINO = Rudy Is Not Ours! Keep scrubbing, Rudy supporters, the blood won't come off.)
To: Ken in Eastman
God bless Roanld Reagan wherever you are.
He made us proud to be Americans again.
posted on
03/03/2007 8:21:25 PM PST
(Non nobis, non nobis Domine, sed nomini tuo da gloriam. God, guts and guns made America great.)
posted on
03/03/2007 8:23:32 PM PST
(Understanding Written Propaganda (click "starbase" to learn 22 manipulating tricks!!))
To: Txsleuth
We may have to fight both the dems' candidate and the media's candidate.
We're doing the latter first, right here, right now.
posted on
03/03/2007 8:25:25 PM PST
The Spirit Of Allegiance
(Public Employees: Honor Your Oaths! Defend the Constitution from Enemies--Foreign and Domestic!)
To: flashbunny
Sad thing is, they just arrived here a few posts up. I'm gonna get out of here before their shrilly voices make me dizzy again. Good night!
posted on
03/03/2007 8:25:41 PM PST
(Aren't you glad you use common sense, don't you wish everybody did?)
To: flashbunny
"Barrett 50BMG's luck ran out after 3 days."And 250 - 300 posts.
posted on
03/03/2007 8:26:13 PM PST
(There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.)
To: brazzaville
I guess I should have put a /src tag on that one.
A Rudy supporter and libtard troll was called out this evening and rode the lightning.
You have to put my statement in context.
I am a big supporter of Newt 08 if he decides to run.
posted on
03/03/2007 8:26:20 PM PST
Jet Jaguar
(Redeploy to Tehran)
God bless Ronald Reagan wherever you are.
posted on
03/03/2007 8:26:25 PM PST
(Understanding Written Propaganda (click "starbase" to learn 22 manipulating tricks!!))
To: labette
Wow, that was quite a busy little troll.
posted on
03/03/2007 8:28:05 PM PST
(<--- Free Anti-Rino graphics! See Rudy the Rino get exposed as a liberal with his own words!)
To: Beagle8U
Good evening.
"I could live with a Hunter/Thompson ticket."
Somehow that reminds me of Uncle Duke and gonzo politics. I like it though.
Michael Frazier
posted on
03/03/2007 8:28:13 PM PST
(no surrender no retreat, well, maybe retreat's ok)
On a personal note, I like Tancredo. Hunter also looks like a great choice. It's early and I hope the GOP gets a spine and nominates a conservative that has a true core. On the other hand, anything looks better than Hillary or Obama. Aargh...
posted on
03/03/2007 8:29:31 PM PST
To: Jet Jaguar
I also like Newt. I think he is playing a cagy late start game. I like Newt, Hunter, King from Iowa and a few others.
posted on
03/03/2007 8:29:39 PM PST
(Non nobis, non nobis Domine, sed nomini tuo da gloriam. God, guts and guns made America great.)
To: dmw
The difference is that Rudy and Romney actually have a chance of winning. Just because you agree with one guy more than the other doesn't mean that guy would make a great President. Congressmen and former House Speakers don't get into the Oval Office. Normally niether do Mayors but because of the times Rudy is different. Governors become President. For that you have Romney (who could most likely get it) or Huckabee (who is really running for VP). After his performance at the CPAC Brownback has nowhere to go but down, so he's done.
posted on
03/03/2007 8:29:42 PM PST
(A liberal is a man too broadminded to take his own side in a quarrel-Robert Frost)
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