I don't think our guns are going anywhere;
I think global warming is all hype because climates warm and cool since beginning of time;
the borders are a huge issue with me, but I think by the time Rudy is elected we will have already lost that battle.
My gutt feeling is he is the best man for the job in these troubled times. If we elect a Hillary or Obama and we are attacked by BinLaden again, the items people are concerned over will be the least of our problems.
For now, I tend to agree, but I am hoping for a more conservative candidate (as to the issues I mentioned, anyway) who retains Giuliani's speaking ability and other qualities. I will say -- blaming no one, really; just happenstance -- that I am disappointed in this top-tier of three candidates, each for different reasons:
1. Giuliani (aces on some issues like debating and post-9/11 management, but absolutely terrible on others as noted);
2. Romney (smart smart smart but ... a lil slick, and seems to have had plastic surgery on his until-recently liberal views on several issues);
3. McCain (heroic war record, has stood strongly for WoT ... but lost me on campaign finance and open borders)
If Rudy were to win, then he'd damn well follow through on his promise to pick Scalia and Alito types. Grr. :P