Free Republic used to be a place where we could post competing idea without being called treasonous liberals because we happen to like a Republican that some freepers don't like.
Is treason now to be such an easily tossed around word that it loses its meaning? What do we call it the next time a Bill Clinton type sells national security secrets in exchange for campaign donations?
Playing the victim?
There you go again...
Hey, I'm a pro-illegal pro-drug-dealer anti-law-and-order poster because I won't jump on the "pardon the BP agent" bandwagon.
But I don't let it bother me. I'm here to argue ideas and philosophy, and what do I care what people I can't even see say about me when they don't know me.
If we would all remember that we define our own self-worth, and that we shouldn't give others power over our own feelings, the insults would just roll off and we could discuss the substance of the arguments.