The evidence shows this is not particularly helped by a pro-life President; we've had Reagan and both Bushes - though they did try, to their credit, this has not created the necessary political movement to get rid of abortion entirely.
I will tell you what has created an outcry for revising abortion legislation in Britain, and it has nothing to do with the Prime Minister; when the new, detailed pictures of babies in the womb were released, even the author of the legislation which liberalised abortion in the first place (in the 1960s) called for the time limit to be revised down from the standard 24 weeks.
In America, the people who are best in a position to change policy is the Supreme Court; conservatives can make a deal with Rudy. He has said that he will appoint a Scalia or Alito to the Court - very well then, if he wants social conservative support, he should keep his word.
Now, as for the world after Roe vs. Wade. Because of the Tenth Amendment, this is not a matter that will be finally settled on a federal bench - rather like gay marriage, it will be decided on a state by state basis, and like gay marriage, likely throttled. It is not just I who says this, it is in Rush's "The Way Things Ought to Be".
I disagree. We have made great strides in winning the hearts and minds of the people, and it starts with the media not being able to quote a charismatic leader on the subject opposing our moves to limit abortion. And that's even though Bush isn't particularly engaged on the issue because he's a bit busy with the whole terrorism thing.
If Rudy is elected, I will pray each night first for his soul, second for his sanity on pro-life issues, and third that he be too distracted to voice his opinion on the matter. I can do that, and it might even be a prayer heard, but I'd rather not have to make that prayer.
You know, when the guy sticks his fingers in the dike, and someone comes by and notes that there's still puddles on the ground so whats the point and claims we really don't need another person to take his place with those fingers because it's not going so well WITH the fingers in the dike, I'm thinking don't forget what happens if we pull those fingers out.
Stated better (I hope), don't assume the status quo exists independent of the current political circumstance.