When are you planning to grow up?
Do you think Jim enjoys your tattling pings?
Whenever I want to post to Jim or write to Jim, I do so.
Don't whine to me about Rudy supporters. Some happen to be good and long time friends of mine. At least they're FOR their candidate and don't waste their time bad mouthing others.
Tattling pings? It's FR etiquitte to ping a poster when you mention them. Including the owner.
You are so unhinged lately that you spin such.
Don't whine to me about Rudy supporters. Some happen to be good and long time friends of mine. At least they're FOR their candidate and don't waste their time bad mouthing others.
Like I said. They have no problem informing the dark horse backers that money will be the boss come primary time, given the front-loaded schedule. Hence the need for political battle now, not later.