I've also had the thought that the Dome of the Rock is possibly and logically the Abomination of Desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel. I can think of no greater "desolation standing in the Holy Place". Lately, I've found that there have been in history and are now those who agree. I think Sir Isaac Newton was one of them if what I read in some of his purported religious writing was truly from him. - Taking that premise, supposedly he had counted the year / days of that prophecy in the book of Daniel and came up with an approximate time that would encompass the tribulation period and Jesus Christ of Nazareth would return to the earth to execute judgement and receive His own. - Considering the catastrophic events of the past several years, it isn't difficult to see that we may just be living in the tribulation period, hidden by the mindset that the capital "T" Tribulation we're looking for may well just be hidden in plain sight and not just compressed into seven literal years. - I'm looking up, for my redemption draweth nigh. A dear Christian man we all loved at church, the personification of I Corinthians Chapter 13's description of "Charity", died last Monday, and it's getting to the point where I know more saints Christ will bring with Him when he comes back than I do here in this mortal coil.
The abomination that stands there making desolate is the anti-christ itself either defiling the third temple, e.g. with an inverted crucifix stabbed ito the belly of a Levitical "unclean animal" corpse's belly and then left to rot, or it is the explicit act of the "Beast' in the form of the anti-Christ seating itself in the temple and demanding to be worshipped as God.
IMHO a legitimate persecution complex exists for those professing Judaism, or having any sort of Jewish ancestry (and especially those living within the nation's borders).
I'm sorry that those images are so blunt and graphic, but it only sets the stage for what the Scripture verse in question possibly could refer to. Whatever the event, incident or act will be: it will be an abomination beyond reproach or comprehension all of recorded Jewish history. If they have ever believed that Jehovah had abandoned them, massive numbers of Jews will do so at that time.
What other abomination could there possibly be other than something that claims to be God seating itself in the very Temple that the Jews at the time would believe to be the fruition of all their eschatology, only to be manifest in utter and complete ruin. A dream that had come to fruition and aattributed to be the sacrosanct Temple of the Jews (and something established being the instrumental piece of the global peace plan)?
There's only one way that in the current scheme of things that Islam would acquiesce to building of a 3rd Temple. Does anybody believe for a second that there'd be any acquiescence to a Jewish Temple being built anywhere?