Let us hope that Mr. Zumbo has his 'come to Jesus' moment regarding the 2nd and becomes every bit as zealous in its defense as Mr. Nugent is.
As one of the Founding Fathers put it "We must all hang together or we will most assuredly all hang separately."
If he does that then in time he will earn his forgiveness.
"We must all hang together or we will most assuredly all hang separately."
A simple but great concept to never forget.
Zumbo may eventually be forgiven, but I think it will be more a matter of people just moving on and forgetting about him. If ever forgiven, he'll still never have a show or sportsmen's writing job again. That doesn't leave much. Maybe he'll get a gig as a behind-the-scenes adviser to somebody else's show.
Or maybe he should just take up fishing.